The Economic Impact of LNG Importation in the Philippines

GPDP 3 invites you to its online lecture, ‘The Economic Impact of LNG Importation in the Philippines,’ on 17 May 2024 (Friday), from 2:00 to 3:00 PM via Zoom.
The discussion will explore how importation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) could affect the Philippines’ economic landscape and how this transition contributes to the country’s development goals and its pursuit of sustainable energy solutions.
To lead the discussion are esteemed experts, Dr. Rose Marie Mendoza, Chief Investments Specialist of the Resource-Based Industries Service-Energy Division at the Board of Investments who will serve as resource speaker and Dr. Ramon L. Clarete, former GPDP Project Director and former Dean of the UP School of Economics, who will contribute as the discussant.
Register now for FREE.
Slots in Zoom are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Follow us to watch the live stream on our Facebook page.