PEZA Confirms Partnership with GPDP 3, DOE

The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) and the Gas Policy Development Project 3 (GPDP 3) Economics team have established a research collaboration focused on natural gas demands in Batangas ecozones. This partnership was confirmed following their meeting on April 24, 2024. Leading the discussion were Dr. Karl Jandoc and Dr. Raul Fabella from the GPDP Economics team, along with Mr. Ludwig Daza, Department Manager, and Ms. Maria Elena Salam, Special Concerns Division Chief from PEZA.
The GPDP 3 is funded by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) through a research cooperation agreement with the University of the Philippines Statistical Center Research Foundation, Inc. (UPSCRFI). It is a collaborative effort among DOE, UPSCRFI, ERIA, concerned government agencies, and shall receive technical advisory from JERA.